Friday, October 26, 2012

On the tracks

 This was a spot we had planned for a couple of years, too, but I had intended them to be facing the other way, since you can see a lot further down the tracks, unfortuantely, the sun was just too bright, and he couldn't handle it (weany!).  But, I actually kind of like the curve in the tracks.

 This one edited pretty cool, I think...

 He likes this one, where he's looking away.
 This one should make everyone in our family happy!  It's B&W, not real close up, and he's smiling!
 But, I like this one!
Believe it or not, still not done, and I still haven't shown you my very favorite!


  1. LOVE these - especially the ones where he is smiling (sorry Randy - I know you like that serious look, but you have a lady killer smile)
