Monday, April 4, 2011

a few traditional/hybrid pages

Just to prove that I still do somethings with traditionally printed pictures and paper! Some of these have been done for awhile, I admit it! This is what I would consider a hybrid project to some extent. the journaling block is done digitally but there is some traditional paper on the border. I didn't really scrap much since the page protectors have slots for the pictures, but I think it's a great way to show a lot of pictures without having to make a lot of pages! This is for Brandon's book. I used pig party by trixiescraps from This is the other side...
totally traditional on this one, though I didn't do much. I used the Varsity Letter cricut cartridge.
This one is completly traditional as well. I used Printing Press cricut cartridge (I think?)
Last but not least. I used Lyrical Letters and the Martha Stewart Elegant Art Cakes cartridges.
I see I missed one, but it was just Randy's varsity team picture, and I just glued it to the page, nothing else, so I won't bother going to look for it! LOL!

I should be back tomorrow with my P365 page from last week!


  1. wow traditional. LOL I still haven't scrapped with paper in a long time. need t omake a prom album for Vanessa. Good job on the layouts :)

  2. I am excited to see your traditional layouts. They are always so well done. You have a knack for sports layouts for sure. Of course I enjoy seeing the digital ones as well. I did not, however, love seeing those pictures of Randy with his cast. I remember that and how hard it was for him!

  3. I love how you used the digital journaling...I've often wondered what I would do if I did a hybrid layout
